Parents: Help Your Kids Deal with Rejection from Colleges

By |2020-08-24T15:52:25+00:00March, 12, 2019|College Admissions, College Applications|

It's mid-March, which means seniors will soon be hearing from colleges about whether they were admitted, if they haven't heard already.  Most colleges require students to enroll and submit a deposit by May 1, and these schools have to notify applicants of their admissions decisions by April 1.  (The fact [...]

Why Not Me? A Lesson on Dealing with Rejection

By |2020-08-24T15:52:36+00:00April, 9, 2014|College Admissions, College Applications|

By now, most people have heard about Kwasi Enin, the young man from New York who was accepted to all eight Ivy League colleges.  Students who didn't fare as well in the college admissions process may be asking, "Why him?" and "Why not me?" When a student does everything he or she [...]

Easing the Sting of Rejection

By |2020-08-24T15:52:36+00:00April, 3, 2014|College Admissions, College Applications|

Whoever decided that April 1 should be the national notification deadline for college admissions decisions had a rather twisted sense of humor: "Hey, let's make April Fool's Day the final day for high school students to find out if they were admitted to or denied from the colleges of their [...]

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