The most important part, to me, of hiring Sara was my relationship with [my daughter] Clare.  We don’t always see eye to eye on how to accomplish things . . . it tends to cause a lot of stress between us and it was really important, this last year of her being with us, that it be a positive year for us . . . hiring Sara took all that pressure away . . . it was a very positive experience as a parent.
Margaret, Denver, Colorado
Marcia helped [our daughter] Sasha navigate her strengths and her interests . . . she helped her narrow down all the potential choices for where to apply and she helped keep Sasha on track with essays and application deadlines. She was a great mentor and a cheerleader. And, most importantly, our daughter is so happy with school and her classes and her friends. So it’s a win-win-win.
Caryn, Denver, Colorado

Joshua came into the college search process with a few ideas of what he was looking for in a college along with a strong sense of what he wanted to study. Marcia took those ideas and interests and helped curate a phenomenal list of colleges to explore. Joshua ended up applying early decision to The College of Wooster and received a fantastic merit award. This small liberal arts college wasn’t even on our radar when we first started this process but seems to be a perfect fit for Joshua. Marcia’s guidance, support, and vast knowledge of the higher education landscape helped keep Joshua motivated and on track. We are excited to see what lies ahead for Joshua and couldn’t be more thankful to Marcia for her expertise and support.

Tracy, Boulder, CO
When you look at how much is at stake for your son or daughter at this particular juncture in their life and how much you’re investing as parents, it really made Sara’s services seem all the more important and it made her fee seem all the more reasonable . . . my daughter is thrilled with where she’s going, I’m thrilled with where she’s going, and I look at the investment we made in Sara’s help as one of the smartest things I’ve ever done . . . we are using Sara again for our second daughter, and that should speak for itself.
Mark, Denver, CO

Marcia greatly helped me with the transfer student process, and I’m so glad I was able to work with her. After leaving my previous school, I had a pretty good idea of what I didn’t want in my next school, and she made sure I also understood what I did want. Her suggestions were incredibly organized, and she made sure we focused on everything, from majors to location, size, atmosphere, and every possible detail in between. Marcia helped steer me on the right path to figure out a school that would truly fit my wants and needs. Thank you, Marcia!

Devon, Englewood, CO

Lindsay, Denver, CO (Lindsay’s “dream school” is Stanford University)

We hired Sara when we decided that finding our daughter the right college was not something her high school could adequately assist us with. What a great decision this was. Danielle looked forward to her meetings with Sara and accomplished everything and more than we expected. Sara’s communication with us exceeded my expectations. She let us know every step of the way what was happening; there was never any guesswork on our part. Sara took the need for us to stay on top of our daughter out of the equation. Everything happened smoothly, timely, and efficiently. I have no idea how we would have done this without her help. Danielle received many acceptances and every school offered her a merit scholarship. Sara was worth every penny we spent to hire her; our investment paid off with hundreds of thousands of dollars of scholarships and so many choices for college.  
Sara not only fulfilled the duties of college consultant, but she was a trusted adult and someone our daughter felt very comfortable talking with. No doubt the class of 2021 needed all hands on deck and we were so glad that Sara was one of the people who helped guide our daughter.
Michele, Littleton, CO

Marcia was a huge support to our son and family during the college exploration process. She did a fantastic job helping him pinpoint a major that would be a good fit for his areas of interest and academic strengths. Marcia also did a great job helping grow his accountability. Our son stayed on top of the many deadlines in the college process from essay writing to application submissions. Their meetings allowed him to take ownership of the college application process. As first-time parents of a college student, we appreciated the entire process, especially the depth and detail put into developing his college list. Our son was accepted into many programs and received several scholarship offers. Marica’s guidance, support, and knowledge base took the stress out of the college application process. Marcia, we appreciate all that you have done in helping to set our son up for success.

Charlae, Boulder, CO

Sara, you really set the standards high for college counselors. The students that get to work with you are profoundly fortunate. While writing the various essays was a little stressful for Jadyn, you made the actual process very stress-free. Jadyn is a no nonsense, very put together young person, and to find that same dynamic in you was delightful for her. It was delightful for us both.

Alison, Denver, CO
Sara was a perfect fit for me . . . She helped me walk through all the decisions relating to transferring to another school.  Sometimes she listened to my needs, sometimes she gave me honest advice and direction . . . At all times, I felt like she had my best interests at heart, and she worked long and hard hours just for me.  Today, I’m attending the University of Denver and couldn’t be happier with my decision to transfer.  I’m not sure, but I don’t think I could have gotten into the school if it weren’t for Sara.  She helped me get through everything, each step of the way.  So thank you, Sara, for helping me fulfill my dream.
Hannah, Colorado Springs, CO

As senior year began for our son, Ben, the college application process started to become a priority on our radar . . . Discovery College Consulting was highly recommended to us by a family friend, and we were soon working with Marcia . . . Marcia was able to break down the required segments in the [application] process and keep our son on track.  Marcia and Ben had weekly meetings to review progress and outline the next tasks . . . [Marcia’s] care and interest in Ben’s success was greatly appreciated.  I highly recommend working with Marcia, AND starting the process with her sooner than we did.

Tim, Denver, CO

I just wanted to thank you again [Sara] for all of the fantastic work you have been doing with [Eli]. It is such a relief to know that you meet each week, help him prioritize the workload, and meet deadlines. It makes a huge difference that you don’t outsource any parts of the process because you get to know him very well, he trusts you, and the deadlines are broken down into regular, manageable chunks. Thank you so much. We are so grateful for your help.

Amie, Denver, CO

Vanessa's card

Vanessa, Denver, CO

Sara gave an incredible presentation to our entire junior class and their parents concerning the entire “college process”.  Her presentation was concise, well organized, timely, and easy for parents to understand.  She was open to feedback and prior to the evening sent me a copy of her presentation so that I could review it and ensure that she addressed issues in a manner that was custom fit for our population.  We now have several families working with Sara for extra support and she has been excellent at communicating with us as counselors to ensure we are all on the same page.  I highly recommend her as a presenter as well as a college consultant.
Kimberly Gannett, High School Counselor for 17 years, Peak to Peak Charter School, Lafayette, CO

Nick and Tracey, Boulder, CO

We truly appreciated the work Sara did with our son, Jake.  Jake was very uncertain about college when he began working with Sara.  He wasn’t sure what kind of school he preferred, what he wanted to major in, or even if he should attend college right after high school or take a gap year.  Sara helped Jake learn about himself, identify the criteria that were most important to him, and explore different options.  She also helped him complete applications, assisting him in drafting an explanation of the inconsistencies in his transcript and in writing essays that demonstrated who he was beyond his grades and test scores.  It was fascinating to see Jake’s thinking evolve throughout the process, and we were thrilled when he not only was admitted to all the colleges he applied to, but also offered significant scholarship money from all of them.  We have no doubt that Jake’s college admissions outcomes were in large part due to Sara’s help.
Annie, Denver, CO
Ashton began the college admissions process with a fairly solid idea of the type of school she wanted and what she wanted to study.  Sara encouraged her to consider a variety of options and recommended colleges that Ashton would not have known about or thought to investigate on her own.  Sara provided scholarship information for the colleges on Ashton’s list and helped Ashton keep track of all the requirements and deadlines for her admission and scholarship applications.  Ashton had to write several different essays, and Sara helped her identify topics and organize her thoughts in an effective way.  Ashton was admitted to all of the colleges to which she applied, and she is thrilled to be attending the University of Florida this fall!  We are very thankful to Sara for her help with the process.
J.W., Westcliffe, CO
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