What to Expect from this Year’s FAFSA

Last month, the Department of Education announced the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) will not be available until December 1. Historically, the FAFSA opens on October 1. But, after last year’s delayed roll out on January 1 and the myriad problems encountered by students, families, and college financial [...]

By |2024-09-03T20:06:26+00:00September, 11, 2024|College Costs, FAFSA, Financial Aid, Paying for College|0 Comments

Coming Soon: Major Changes to the ACT

Not only are today's high school students being affected by frequent changes in colleges' testing policies (as described in a recent blog post), they also have another upcoming change to contend with: next year, the ACT will switch to a digital format, in addition to undergoing other alterations.  However, in [...]

By |2024-09-03T19:49:31+00:00September, 3, 2024|College Admissions Tests|0 Comments

Aiming for Ivies? Straight A’s Are an Advantage, But Not a Guarantee

As discussed in a recent blog post, grade inflation has exploded in the last several years.  This has resulted in grade compression, which means most students' grades are in the A/B range. A recent webinar from test prep and tutoring company Applerouth addressed these issues.  In it, Jed Applerouth, the [...]

Use Your Summer to Visit Colleges

It’s summer, and many high school students are much less busy than they are during the school year. This makes summer a great time to visit colleges. If possible, you should sign up for a campus tour and information session, as these will provide you with much more information than [...]

By |2024-07-13T22:52:12+00:00July, 10, 2024|College Research, College Visits|0 Comments

College Considerations for Jewish Students: Webinar Recording and Resources

Since Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel and the ensuing war in Gaza, the Middle East has become an ever more contentious topic on U.S. college campuses. Many Jewish students and their parents have expressed concerns about campus safety and anti-semitism, and students are having to consider these factors in [...]

By |2024-07-13T23:06:55+00:00July, 3, 2024|College Fit, College Research|0 Comments

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Discovery College Consulting’s 25 students in the Class of 2024 were admitted to 107 different colleges, which are pictured to the right (click the image to enlarge it).  They will be attending the following schools: Chapman University Creighton University Drexel University Macalester College Montana State University New Jersey Institute of [...]

By |2024-05-10T20:05:44+00:00May, 14, 2024|College Admissions, Scholarships|0 Comments

$100,000 per Year! Rising College Costs and Student Loans

In 2016, when my first child started college, Harvey Mudd College in California was the most expensive college in the country, with a total cost of attendance of just over $70,000 per year. In 2020, when child number two started school, Columbia topped the list at $81,000.  For the 2020-2021 [...]

Making Sense of Colleges’ Changing Test Policies

Test-optional.  Test-flexible.  Test-blind.  The terms themselves are confusing, and recent shifts in colleges' policies are even more so.  If you're a high school student, or the parent of one, you may feel like you're experiencing whiplash in trying to keep up with the ever-evolving test requirements at U.S. colleges.  Before [...]

The Problem with Grade Inflation

Remember the movie The Incredibles? I’ll never forget the scene where Syndrome, the villain, is holding the superheroes hostage. He says, “When I’m old, and I’ve had my fun, I’ll sell my inventions so that everyone can be superheroes, everyone can be super. And, when everyone’s super, no one will [...]

Colleges Respond to FAFSA Delays

If you are a high school senior or the parent of one, you likely are aware of the problems that have plagued the new FAFSA since it became available at the end of December.  Not only was the FAFSA's release delayed by nearly three months, but there have been several [...]

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