In January, Sara was interviewed for a U.S. News & World Report article on senioritis.  The article explains how senioritis and a resulting drop in grades second semester can pose a threat to one’s college acceptances.  Additionally, it offers tips for how students can overcome senioritis and finish their senior year strong.

Sara was previously interviewed for a U.S. News article about summer programs for high school students.

In February, two of Discovery College Consulting’s students, Jadyn Lewis (a senior at East High School in Denver) and Maristella Valore-Caplan (a junior at George Washington High School in Denver) were quoted in a U.S. News article on mistakes eleventh and twelfth graders should avoid in the second semester.  For seniors, these include failing to submit all college application and financial aid materials and not meeting enrollment and other deadlines (i.e., to request housing and sign up for orientation).  For juniors, mistakes include not spending sufficient time studying for standardized tests and making poor decisions about which classes to take senior year.