The Truth About College Wait Lists

By |2020-08-24T15:52:26+00:00May, 3, 2018|College Admissions|

May 1 has come and gone, which means the majority of high school seniors have decided which college they'll be attending in the fall.  However, students who were placed on and chose to remain on a college's wait list may feel very much in limbo.  As they watch their friends [...]

Seniors: “Grow Where You’re Planted”

By |2020-08-24T15:52:34+00:00May, 11, 2016|College Admissions|

For the last several years, around mid-April, I've seen headlines that say something along the lines of, "College acceptance rates hit record low."  Frank Bruni, who for many years wrote a New York Times column about college and college admissions, published a column on March 30 in which he stated that Stanford's acceptance [...]

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