How to Write a “Why This College?” Essay

By |2020-08-24T15:52:33+00:00November, 10, 2016|College Admissions, College Essays, College Research|

Many colleges ask students to submit an essay that explains why they want to attend that school.  If you have to write such an essay for multiple colleges, it can be tempting to write something generic and then send it to every school. However, this is absolutely the WRONG approach.  Here are [...]

College Essays: Why the Five-Paragraph Essay Format Doesn’t Work

By |2020-08-24T15:52:34+00:00July, 20, 2016|College Admissions, College Applications, College Essays|

By the time they've finished their junior year of high school, many students have become experts at writing a five-paragraph analytical essay.  Knowing how to write such an essay will serve students well as they finish high school and enter college.  However, when it comes to college application essays (also known as personal [...]

Parents: “Hands Off” Your Kid’s College Essays

By |2020-08-24T15:52:38+00:00December, 3, 2013|College Admissions, College Applications, College Essays|

In my last blog post, I offered advice to parents on how to help their children deal with stress caused by the college application process.  One of my suggestions was that parents minimize their conversations with their kids about college, as constant parental nagging only serves to increase students' stress. [...]

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